
What does Auschwitz have to do with me?
An investigation.
Documentary theater project with adolescents / young adults

Since the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, a German identity can no longer be separated from Auschwitz and what it stands for, it refers to and refers to “Auschwitz”, in political decision-making, in private contexts of action, “Auschwitz” is part of the self-image of the Germans.
Identities develop.
With the question "What does Auschwitz have to do with me?" starts the history theater project.
Young people who have no one in the family who lived through the Nazi era, young people whose families lived in other parts of the world during the Nazi era, or young people whose personal situation did not allow them to go to school Finding out something about National Socialism investigates the meaning of "Auschwitz" for German society and for itself as part of German society. They implement the results of their “investigation” artistically and present them as documentary theater.
Project components:
• Development of the historical context: National Socialism, World War II, genocide against the European Jews as well as the Sinti and Roma
• Interviews with people of different generations: questions about the reception and personal relevance of “Auschwitz”
• Examination of the "investigation" by Peter Weiss, documentary theater about the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial
• Development of scenic forms of your own "investigation"

Project goal:
The meaning of the topic "Auschwitz" for Germany changes with the time interval and with the development of a post-migrant society. However, this fact is rarely reflected in public discourse. The project “What does Auschwitz have to do with me? - an investigation “should not only give young people the opportunity to discover the meaning of“ Auschwitz ”for themselves, but should also take the audience of the theater production on a journey, at the end of which perhaps an active, personally relevant view for them too stands for "Auschwitz".

Project duration:
5 days
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